| Garima Mahajan | Editor |  While you and I run through the spaces between these lines,  Let’s stop for a while under the shade of t’s dash  And while we’re here, let’s push the ime and  Swing from the minute hand  Slow diving into the red desert of the day,  Let’s rest by theContinueContinue reading “HER”

If I were a Painting

| Aditi Choudhary |  If I were a painting ,  Which glorious scene I would be depicting ?  Beating my brains out thinking about my inception,  My ingenious painter, taking pride in his or her creation  Whether a famed ,noted and heavenly  Or unsung and anonymous gentleman or lady ?  Or a rebel in parochialContinueContinue reading “If I were a Painting”


| करुणा शर्मा |  दुनिया के खुद के ही अलग रिवाज चलते हैं,  यहां भेड़िए भी पहन के अच्छे लिवास चलते हैं।  कर्महीन होकर भी उन्हें शर्म ना होती है,  भावहीन होते हैं वो उनकी अंतरात्मा सोती है।  ईमान अपना बेच कर दिखलाते है झूठी शान,  पर्दा हटेगा झूठ का एक दिन टूटेगा अभिमान।  अपनीContinueContinue reading “फरेब”

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