
“There’s a reason we don’t see the world in black and white.”

Celerie Kemble

The colour red symbolises love, while yellow breeds happiness. The blue of the sky, the tangerine of sunshine, colours are a language, a power that directly influences our soul. As much as we try, capturing nature’s true colour is impossible. It’s like trying to capture the essence of the moon on an iPhone camera. You can only really experience it instead of capturing or reproduce it. “I sense a scream passing through nature. I painted… the clouds as actual blood. The colour shrieked.”

Edvard Munch explains the inspiration behind his iconic painting, The Scream, in which he uses colour to evoke a sound. The sound of emotions, of deep despair, yet making its way through this maze called life.  

“We live in a rainbow of chaos.”

Pinnacle, Department of B.A. Programme, Miranda House believes that the world is disorderly, but it’s a colourful mess, and that’s something to still appreciate. We, at Pinnacle, work on filling this rainbow with shades of the natural palette by embracing all colours of our personalities. We strongly believe in self-love and strive to create a safe and expressive space for all. Words flow with such ease here, and pictures talk. 
Pinnacle is a celebration of diversity, and our blog is our mirror to the world. It is the place to be for your thoughts and probably your anxieties.

Our blog is always open to new expressions of individualism and new definitions of love and life. Let our blog be a part of your journey through sunshine and thunderstorms.

“Life is a train of moods, like a string of beads, and as we pass through them they prove to be many-coloured lenses which paint the world in their own hue, and each shows only what lies in its focus.” Not only is life not black and white, but it’s not solely in one colour. It’s a multi-coloured, multifaceted experience. It’s a rainbow of emotions, it’s a chain of myriad experiences. Life is everything, but mundane.

Our blog is always open to thoughts that have shaped you and things that have moved you. We eagerly wait to share with the world the pictures you have put to life. Let Pinnacle Palette be a tour of the creative continents of your mind. We promise our readers a lovely experience of reading and discovering the creative nooks and corners of the human mind. We eagerly wait to hear your take on the world and what you say about this whirlwind called life.

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