| Medha Navya Dwivedi | Editor-In-Chief | let the breeze caress your hair,the salty waters wrap your feet,the gritty sand stick to your toes,the warm sunshine hug your face.because they know you,they know your suffering,they know better than anyone has,know better than anyone ever will.every night you spent alone,every smile you had to force,every tearContinueContinue reading “SERENITY”

मुझे याद है…!

| करुणा शर्मा | लेखिका | मुझे याद है पहली बार मै कैसे उसे अपनी गोद में सिमटा कर लाई थी,मेरी ही कोख से जन्मे एक बेटे की जब मां मै कहलाई थी।और जब पहली बार वो मुझे देख मुस्काया था,मेरी आंखो के तारे को देख दिल कैसे भर आया था।मुझे याद है जब मांContinueContinue reading “मुझे याद है…!”

a literary map to my favourite place

| Asra Malik | Editor | an interior monologue with myself, this is a first, spotting idealism thyself i wander off to a negative space yet wondering is it fiction or an actual place. going through the morgue files, to reanimate a base for my space takes a right from the flaky hills with flowingContinueContinue reading “a literary map to my favourite place”

Within Brackets of Doubt (and Hope)

| Suhani Duhan | Editor | Arachnophobia, or the fear of spiders, is perhaps the most well-known and common fear in the world. The term derives meaning from the centuries-old story of Arachne, mother of all spiders, whose pride challenged the mighty Athena. One divine punishment later, and humanity quivers at the sight of theContinueContinue reading “Within Brackets of Doubt (and Hope)”

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