The Unsinkable

|Anisha Gupta| The piece below is inspired by the Romance/Drama movie “Titanic,” released in 1997, based on a real-life poignant and tragic occurrence of the sinking of the RMS Titanic in 1912. Kate Winslet is the main fictional character- Rose DeWitt Bukater and Leonardo De Caprio as Jack Dawson. The piece is written from theContinueContinue reading “The Unsinkable”

Improvements of a Poetic News Report That Will Never Be Me.

Jaya Narayan (Originally compiled in found poetry form) 3267 words and 900 compositions,  then you will be a performance art.  Writer whose words fill  the Cauldrons of the  World’s Best Scholars’  evaluations.  The formations of your words  written from  hours of sitting in front of his laptop                                                        trying,  hopes for consistency and word counts  BECOME ContinueContinue reading “Improvements of a Poetic News Report That Will Never Be Me.”

Rendezvous with the Night

Shruti Each time I see the sky  Brimming with the celestial bodies, I can feel my heart radiating exhilaration. As I recall the days which helped me shape who I am, air embraces my face, negating the fatalism. Gradually, the moon flexes its face As the cloud cover dissipates, It reminds me how one shouldn’tContinueContinue reading “Rendezvous with the Night”


| करुणा शर्मा | संपादक | मैं कहने से कुछ हिचकिचाई सी हूं, नारी जाति पर कुछ अभिशाप सी हूं। क्या तुम मुझे कायर कहोगी या अपने हक के लिए मुझसे भी अड़ोगी, तुम कब तक ‘नारी हूं’ के नाम पर इंसाफ से लड़ोगी ? नारी हो तुम – खूबसूरती और स्वाभिमान तुम्हारा गहना है, पर अन्यायी होने काContinueContinue reading “हिचकिचाहट…!”

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