Of Haunts and Hopes

After the emptiness of non-charitable winter hands,The tender reviving kiss of bloom from the crisp air of a spring mouth,The sweat of summer, sustain and endurance, The palpitating lungs against iron odds. Dangling yet determined,Lackadaisical yet clawed,Storms in the autumn,Of muddled, inebriated and celestial eyes. The crown of riches and rags,A sinister rhapsody,Melting in wavesContinueContinue reading “Of Haunts and Hopes”

आज फिर निराशा ने मेरा दर खटखटाया

आज फिर निराशा ने मेरा दर खटखटाया, नकारात्मक अंधेरे ने डेरा जमाया। कुछ ऐसे रंग बदले, उस अंधेरी रात ने,  अकेला खड़ा था, ना था कोई साथ में।  अंत भी क़रीब मेरे विचार में,  मृत्यु को मैंने अपने समीप पाया, आज फिर निराशा ने मेरा दर खटखटाया। मिट चुके सारे सुनहरे ख़्वाब थे,  मन मेंContinueContinue reading “आज फिर निराशा ने मेरा दर खटखटाया”

The Shades of Brown

The month of ochre is here, with its wide spectrum representing different things for different people. For some, it is a second spring with leaves portraying flowers, while for others, it is the dawn of a season called life. The common idea here is of decay and the replenishment that follows. Maybe Autumn is nature’sContinueContinue reading “The Shades of Brown”

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